NEW: Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan update. Greater Manchester prepares to submit updated investment-led Clean Air Plan to government. Read about the update.

Our plan to clean up Greater Manchester’s air

Greater Manchester does not have a Clean Air Zone and there are no charges to drive on local roads.

We’re already cleaning up our air through investment in the transformational Bee Network.  

The Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan would reduce air pollution even more, with investment in more clean buses and taxis.

Our approach would improve air quality faster than a charging Clean Air Zone – and without causing hardship to residents or businesses.  

There are no plans to charge drivers to use local roads in Greater Manchester. 

Find out about the Clean Air Plan

What is air pollution?

You can’t always see it, but air pollution is all around us. It comes from many sources and can be very damaging to our health.

We can breathe harmful gases and tiny particles deep into our lungs. Some of the smallest particles may also pass into our blood streams.

By learning more about air pollution you can help tackle it and protect your health.

Find out more about air pollution

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