Technical Documents

Updated Evidence Submission for a new Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan (October 2024)

In October 2024, Greater Manchester (GM) local authorities submitted updated and additional evidence requested by government to support the case for an investment-led, non-charging Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan. 

Appraisal Report

Appraisal of GM’s investment-led, non-charging Clean Air Plan (Investment-led Plan) against a benchmark charging Clean Air Zone (CAZ Benchmark) in the centre of Manchester and bordering areas of Salford (the Regional Centre). This includes an overview of the current air quality baseline, and a description and appraisal of the Investment-led Plan and CAZ Benchmark, including the costs, timescales to implement and associated risks. 

Supplementary Appraisal Report

Considers the implications to the date of compliance associated with issues identified after the completion of modelling in summer 2024. Provides a comparative appraisal of the Investment-led Plan and the CAZ Benchmark taking these matters into account. 

T1: Local Plan Transport Modelling Tracking Table

Sets out feedback received from the government’s Joint Air Quality Unit on the traffic and transport modelling process and provides GM’s responses to that feedback. 

T2: Local Plan Transport Model Validation Report

Describes the development of the base year transport model for use in the GM Clean Air Plan assessment. The report describes the main features of the transport model and presents details of the base year model validation, including comparisons of modelled and observed traffic flows and journey times. 

T3: Local Plan Transport Modelling Methodology Report

Describes the approach taken to forecast road traffic for the GM Clean Air Plan. The report describes the development of the future year highway networks and trip matrices and sets out the assumptions on which the forecasts are made. 

T3 Appendix A: Technical Note 43 - Demand Response Modelling of Impacts of Recent and Planned Changes to the Regional Centre

Technical note setting out details of the City Centre Transport Strategy (CCTS). The note also provides details of the demand modelling undertaken to assess the demand impacts of CCTS within the regional centre, which form part of the ‘Do Minimum’ modelling. The note also provides historic background trends in traffic volumes accessing the Regional Centre. 

T3 Appendix B: Technical Note 42 - Modelling the Impacts of the Increased Uptake of Electric Cars

Technical note introducing recent guidance updates in relation to electric vehicle future car projections and implications on the ‘Do Minimum’ modelling. 

T4: Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report

Describes the transport modelling process for the GM Clean Air Plan and presents baseline and forecasts for the Investment-led Plan and CAZ Benchmark. The report includes appendices setting out the vehicle population estimates and CAZ Benchmark assumptions. 

T4 Appendix A: Technical Note 49 – CAZ Benchmark Modelling Assumptions

Sets out the updates to the Cost Response Models and behavioural responses forecast for the CAZ Benchmark, which are compared to CAZ response forecasts developed by other local authorities. 

T4 Appendix B: Technical Note 37 - Vehicle Population Estimates

Sets out the summary of the key vehicle volumetric information used for the GM Clean Air Plan. 

AQ1: Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Tracking Table

Sets out feedback received from the government’s Joint Air Quality Unit on the air quality modelling process and provides GM’s responses to that feedback. 

AQ2: Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Methodology Report

Sets out the methodology that is used to underpin the air quality modelling for the baseline (2016) and ‘Do Minimum’ (2021, 2025 & 2026) scenarios developed for the Investment-led Plan and CAZ Benchmark appraisals. 

AQ3: Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Report

Provides the results of the air quality modelling for the Investment-led Plan and CAZ Benchmark appraisals, the main assumptions on which the forecasts are based, the verification process and consideration of the 2023 monitoring data. 

Sensitivity Testing Report

Sets out the results of sensitivity testing carried out on the modelling and draws conclusions on the implications for the GM Clean Air Plan. 

Analytical Assurance Statement

Considers the limitations, uncertainties and risks in the evidence base, and the implications of these for decision makers. It considers whether an appropriate procedure has been followed, in terms of the modelling process and the source data, and whether appropriate checks have been carried out. It considers whether appropriate expertise has been utilised, and whether sufficient time and resources have been allocated to the analysis. The report describes the updates that have been made to the evidence base where appropriate, and the extent to which there have been changes regarding limitations, uncertainties and risks in the analysis. 

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Evidence Note

Background information on the GM hackney carriage and private hire vehicle fleet used as the evidence base for the development of the Clean Taxi Fund as part of the Investment-led Plan. This note includes taxi statistics, vehicle pricing and availability information, taxi personas and a summary of relevant engagement and research feedback. This note was previously Appendix 1 of the Appraisal Report in the December 2023 submission. The note provides an updated position to ‘Technical Note 19: GM CAP Taxi and PHV Fleet Research’, issued in 2019 which provided a pre-Covid-19 view of the market and supporting evidence. 

Clean Taxi Fund - Eligibility Criteria & Funding Administration

Outline of the proposed GM Clean Taxi Fund eligibility criteria and administration of funding under the Investment-led Plan. This note was previously Appendix 2 of the Appraisal Report in the December 2023 submission. 

Local Measures Note - A57 Regent Road

Overview of the proposed Investment-led Plan local traffic measures related to the A57 Regent Road in Salford to provide further detail on relevant information contained in the Appraisal Report. 

Local Measures Note - St John's Area

Overview of the proposed Investment-led Plan local traffic measures in the St John’s area of the Regional Centre, around A34 Quay Street, to provide further detail on relevant information contained in the Appraisal Report. 

Air Quality Modelling Assurance Report

Sets out a review of the modelling processes and reports the findings of a quality assurance process audit. 


Evidence Submission for a new Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan (December 2023)

In December 2023, Greater Manchester local authorities submitted the evidence requested to government to support the case for an investment-led, non-charging Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan. 

Appraisal Report

Appraisal of GM’s investment-led, non-charging Clean Air Plan (Investment-led Plan) against a benchmark charging Clean Air Zone (CAZ Benchmark) in the centre of Manchester and bordering areas of Salford (the Regional Centre). This includes an overview of the current air quality baseline, and a description and appraisal of the Investment-led Plan and CAZ Benchmark, including the costs, timescales to implement and associated risks. 

Appraisal Report Appendix 1: Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Evidence Note

Background information on the GM hackney carriage and private hire vehicle fleet used as the evidence base for the development of the Clean Taxi Fund as part of the Investment-led Plan. This note includes taxi statistics, vehicle pricing and availability information, taxi personas and a summary of relevant engagement and research feedback. This note provides an updated position to ‘Technical Note 19: GM CAP Taxi and PHV Fleet Research’, issued in 2019 which provided a pre-Covid-19 view of the market and supporting evidence. 

Appraisal Report Appendix 2: Clean Taxi Fund - Eligibility Criteria & Funding Administration

Outline of the proposed GM Clean Taxi Fund eligibility criteria and administration of funding under the Investment-led Plan. 


Case for a new Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan

Greater Manchester local authorities have submitted the case for a new Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan, with no charging Clean Air Zone, to government.  

Case for a new Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan

Proposal for a new investment-led Clean Air Plan for GM with no charging Clean Air Zone.

Appendix A: Technical note – HGV sector review

Review of: HGV vehicles in GM which are in-scope for the Clean Air Plan; impacts of Covid-19 on the HGV sector; and summary of key findings, including risks or issues faced by the sector in responding to the Clean Air Plan.

Appendix B: Technical note – Taxi sector review

Review of: taxis (hackney carriages and private vehicles) in GM which are in-scope for the Clean Air Plan; impacts of Covid-19 on the taxi sector; and summary of key findings, including risks or issues faced by the sector in responding to the Clean Air Plan.

Appendix C: Technical note – Current issues in the van sector

Overview of the van sector in GM; national van market trends and vehicle volumes; issues affecting the demand for and supply of vans, and the effect on van prices; impact of van supply constraints and price rises on the Clean Air Plan; and summary of key findings and recommendations.

Appendix D: Technical note – Coach and minibus sector review

Review of: coaches and minibuses in GM which are in-scope for the Clean Air Plan; impacts of Covid-19 on the coach and minibus sectors; and summary of key findings, including risks or issues faced by the sector in responding to the Clean Air Plan.

Appendix E: Changes in economic context since July 2021

Summary of significant changes in economic context since July 2021, covering factors including the Covid-19 pandemic, global supply chain challenges and the cost-of-living crisis. Evidence is split into national and international issues, a North West of England labour market review, and GM-specific factors.

Case for a New Plan - Air Quality Modelling Report

This report sets out the results of modelling carried out in Summer 2022 to forecast air quality in Greater Manchester (GM) in future years, taking into account the impacts of Covid-19 on vehicle fleet renewals and new investment in the bus fleet in GM. 


Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan Review Correspondence

These documents include the correspondence sent between Greater Manchester Leaders and the Government relating to the review of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan.

Correspondence Author
Correspondence Recipient
Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.
George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Request from Greater Manchester to pause the opening of the next phase of Clean Air Funds at the end of January 2022, to allow a joint policy review with Government on the Clean Air Plan.

Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.
George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Formal request, following the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee meeting, topause the opening of the next phase of Clean Air Funds, to allow a joint policy review with Government on the Clean Air Plan.

George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.

Confirmation from the Government that the Greater Manchester Clean Air Zone was paused for review, and that a new legal direction would be issued requiring the achievement of compliance with legal nitrogen dioxide limits in the shortest possible time and by 2026 at the latest.

Jo Churchill MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, and Trudy Harrison MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Transport.
Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.

Covering letter confirming the new legal direction requiring the achievement of compliance with legal nitrogen dioxide limits in the shortest possible time and by 2026 at the latest, and that revised proposals for a Clean Air Plan should be submitted by 1 July 2022.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.
George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Confirmation of receiving the new legal direction and a request to agree how Government and Greater Manchester officials can work jointly to review the options for the Clean Air Plan.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester.
Boris Johnson MP, Prime Minister.

Clarification sought on comments made by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on the Clean Air Zone around charging. The Mayor outlined a position for a non-charging Category B CAZ. This also includes a statement from the Greater Manchester Labour leaders calling for a non-charging zone.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.
George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

This letter includes an outline proposal for a non-charging category B Clan Air Zone, based on incentives, as the way forward to clean air in Greater Manchester. There is a request for an early response from Government on the proposal with the offer to meet and discuss plans.

George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.

Response to the 13 May 2022 letter acknowledging the Clean Air Plan review work. It includes the suggestion of a targeted category C charging scheme, in practice in Manchester city centre.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.
George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Response to Environment Secretary’s letter on 1 June 2022, reiterating Greater Manchester’s position for an investment-led, non-charging approach.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.
George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Confirmation, following the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee meeting, of the submission of the draft Case for a new Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan,  subject to any comments of the ten Greater Manchester local authorities.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air.
George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Confirmation, following a meeting of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee on 17 August 2022, of the submission of the ‘Case for a new Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan’ as an approved document.

Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA portfolio lead for Clean Air and Chair of the of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee, and Cllr Tracy Rawlins, Vice-Chair of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee.
The Rt Hon Thérèse Coffey MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Letter on behalf of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee to reiterate the request of the Mayor for a meeting with the Environment Secretary to discuss the Case for a new Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan.

Rebecca Pow MP, Minister for Environmental Quality and Resilience.
Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of Bury Council and GM Portfolio Lead for Clean Air. 

Letter from the Government requesting Greater Manchester authorities to provide additional evidence to enable further consideration of the case for an investment-led Clean Air Plan for GM with no charging Clean Air Zone.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of Bury Council and GM Portfolio Lead for Clean Air.
Rebecca Pow MP, Minister for Environmental Quality and Resilience.

Response to the Minister’s 26 January 2023 letter, providing the first of the evidence requested and setting out that the next submission of evidence, which requires further detailed modelling, will be at the end June 2023.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of Bury Council and GM Portfolio Lead for Clean Air.
Rebecca Pow MP, Minister for Environmental Quality and Resilience.

Confirmation, following a meeting of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee on 27 February 2023, of the submission of the report 'Approach to Address Persistent Exceedances Identified on the A58 Bolton Road, Bury' as an approved document.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of Bury Council and GM Portfolio Lead for Clean Air.
The Rt Hon Thérèse Coffey MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Letter on behalf of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee setting out the impact that government’s new evidence and guidance on bus retrofit is having on the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan (GM CAP).

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of Bury Council and GM Portfolio Lead for Clean Air.
The Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and The Rt Hon Mark Harper MP, Secretary of State for Transport.

Following a meeting of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee on 20 December 2023, letter submitting the Appraisal Report that shows only the Investment-led Plan complies with the requirement placed on the 10 GM Authorities to deliver compliance with legal nitrogen dioxide limits in the shortest possible time and by 2026 at the latest. 

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of Bury Council and GM Portfolio Lead for Clean Air.
The Rt Hon Steve Reed MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and The Rt Hon Louise Haigh MP, Secretary of State for Transport.

Following a meeting of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee on 1 October 2024, letter submitting the updated Appraisal Report and further evidence that shows only the Investment-led Plan complies with the requirement placed on the 10 GM Authorities to deliver compliance with legal nitrogen dioxide limits in the shortest possible time and by 2026 at the latest. 


Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan following consultation

These documents include the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan Policy following consultation, which was approved by the ten GM local authorities at the end of July 2021. Also included are reports looking at COVID-19 impacts and Equality Impact Assessments, and the report on the economic implications of the GMCAP proposals.

GM Clean Air Plan Policy following Consultation

The Clean Air Plan policy taking into account the outcomes of the consultation that took place in late 2020 and the assessment of the impact of COVID-19.

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessment following Consultation

The Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) to support the post-consultation process for the GM Clean Air Plan (GM CAP).

GM CAP EQIA following Consultation - Evidence Report

The Equality Impact Evidence report to support the Equalities Impact Assessment which looks at the potential for the GM Clean Air Plan to result in disproportionate or differential equality effects because of proposed policies.

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments following consultation – Bolton Council

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments following consultation – Bury Council

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP EQIA following consultation - Evidence report - Manchester assessment

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP EQIA following consultation - Evidence report - Oldham assessment

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP EQIA following consultation - Evidence report - Rochdale assessment

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP EQIA following consultation - Evidence report - Salford assessment

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP EQIA following consultation - Evidence report - Stockport assessment

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP EQIA following consultation - Evidence report - Tameside assessment

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP EQIA following consultation - Evidence report - Trafford assessment

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

GM CAP EQIA following consultation - Evidence report - Wigan assessment

GM CAP Equality Impact Assessments for each GM Local Authority following consultation. Each of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities have developed a specific report for their particular district, highlighting equality differences in comparison to GM-wider findings.

AECOM Consultation Report

Results of the GM Clean Air Plan consultation which took place between 8 October 2020 and 3 December 2020.

Stakeholders who responded to the GM Clean Air Plan consultation

A list of stakeholders who responded to the Clean Air Plan consultation between 8 October 2020 and 3 December 2020.

GM Authorities’ Response to the Consultation

GM Authorities’ response to the GM Clean Air Plan consultation feedback, as outlined in the AECOM Consultation Report.

GM CAP Impacts of COVID-19 Report

Considers the impacts of the pandemic on GM and reviews the potential and actual impacts of COVID-19 on the GM CAP.

GM CAP Air Quality Modelling Report following Consultation and with COVID-19 impacts

The Air Quality Modelling of the final CAP package, taking into account the impacts of COVID-19.

GM CAP Air Quality Modelling Report Appendix D: GM’s proposed approach to representing the impact of Covid 19 in core modelling scenarios

This document sets out GM’s proposed approach to developing assumptions based on appropriate emerging evidence and projections of the Covid recovery.

GM CAP Air Quality Modelling Report Appendix E: Technical note 38 Discounts & Exemptions – updated with final GM CAP Policy

This document sets out the evidence underpinning the rationale for the local discounts and exemptions proposed in the GM CAP Policy following consultation.

Economic Implications of CAP following Consultation and with COVID-19 impacts

Considers the economic implications of the CAP for GM before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other Cities’ Clean Air Plans

This document gives an update on the other clean air plans across the country.

Compliance with the Secretary of State’s Direction

This document sets out how the GM Clean Air Plan proposals meet the requirements of the Ministerial Direction from March 2020.


GM Clean Air Plan Option for Consultation

These documents include the GM Clean Air Plan proposals that were subject to public consultation between 8 October and 3 December 2020. This includes the modelling and analysis that underpinned the consultation proposals. Please note that the analysis presented here does not take into account the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the impact of the decision to delay implementation of the CAZ until spring 2022. The findings of the consultation and GM’s responses to the issues raised, alongside updated proposals and modelling, are included in the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan following consultation section available here.

Consultation Document

The proposals for the GM Clean Air Plan which were consulted on between 8 October and 3 December 2020.

GMCAP consultation document - RTF version

The proposals for the GM Clean Air Plan which were consulted on between 8 October and 3 December 2020 – in rich text format. Please note: This document will automatically download to your computer, it cannot be displayed in your browser.

Equalities Impact Assessment (at consultation)

The Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) to support the consultation process for the GM Clean Air Plan (GM CAP).

The Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) to support the consultation process for the GM Clean Air Plan (GM CAP).

Data Evidence and Modelling - Consultation Summary Report

The evidence base that underpins the proposed Option for Consultation.

Clean Air Plan Policy for Consultation

The proposed policy position at consultation for each of the proposed measures.

Local Plan Transport Modelling Tracking Table - Consultation Option Jan 2020

Sets out feedback received to date from JAQU on the traffic and transport modelling process and supplies GM’s responses to that feedback.

Local Plan Transport Model Validation Report - Consultation Option Jan 2020

Describes the development of the base year transport model for use in the GM CAP assessment. The report describes the main features of the transport model and presents details of the base year model validation, including comparisons of modelled and observed traffic flows and journey times in the study area. Note that this report has not been updated from the OBC version.

Local Plan Transport Modelling Methodology Report - Consultation Option Jan 2020

Describes the approach taken to forecasting road traffic for the GM CAP. The report describes the development of the future year highway networks and trip matrices and sets out the assumptions on which the forecasts are made. The report has been updated to reflect some methodology improvements and the incorporation of updated Government guidance and input values. Note that the sensitivity testing has not yet been updated from the OBC version and will be supplied to JAQU at a later date.

Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report - Consultation Option Jan 2020

Describes the transport modelling process for the GM CAP Project and presents baseline and scenario forecasts for the preferred option which will be taken forward for consultation. The report has been substantially updated to reflect the revised methodology for deriving behavioural responses to the measures, and now includes new appendices setting out the methodology applied in the Demand Sifting Tool and new Operational Cost Models for freight and taxi. Note that the sensitivity testing has not yet been updated from the OBC version and will be supplied to JAQU at a later date.

T4 App. A
Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report (Consultation Option) – Appendix A

Appendix A to T4, presents the methodology for the Demand Sifting Tool and Cost Response Models.

T4 App. B
Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report (Consultation Option) – Appendix B

Appendix B to T4, provides a map showing boundaries used in the Options Appraisal modelling process for the GM CAP.

T4 App. D
Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report (Consultation Option) – Appendix D

Appendix D to T4, provides a manual for the Demand Sifting Tool.

Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Tracking Table - Consultation Option Jan 2020

Sets out feedback received to date from JAQU on the air quality modelling process and supplies GM’s responses to that feedback

Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Methodology Report - Consultation Option Jan 2020

Sets out the air quality modelling methodology that is and will be used to underpin any air quality modelling for the baseline (2016, 2021, 2023 & 2025) scenario and for scenario forecasts for the preferred option which will be taken forward for consultation. The report has been updated to reflect updates made to the methodology to incorporate updated Government guidance and input values

Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Report - Consultation Option Jan 2020

Provides the air quality results and discussion of the GM CAP options that have been assessed. Specifically, this document sets out the results of the proposed option for consultation. Note that the sensitivity testing has not yet been updated from the OBC version and will be supplied to JAQU at a later date.

Analytical Assurance Statement for the Option for Consultation - Jan 2020

Considers the limitations, uncertainties and risks in the evidence base, and the implications of these for decision makers. In particular, it considers whether an appropriate procedure has been followed, in terms of the modelling process and the source data, and whether appropriate checks have been carried out. It considers whether appropriate expertise has been utilised, and whether sufficient time and resources have been allocated to the analysis. The report has been updated to describe the improvements that have been made to the evidence base and modelling approach since the OBC submission and therefore the extent to which there have been changes regarding limitations, uncertainties and risks in the analysis. Note that the sensitivity testing has not yet been updated from the OBC version and will be supplied to JAQU at a later date



These documents are independent reports of qualitative and quantitative research carried out to support the policy development process for the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan.

GM CAP Deliberative Research ALL - Spring 2019

Four deliberative workshops carried out by Systra in March 2019 with drivers and operators of taxis (hackney carriages and PHVs), coaches, HGVs and LGVs.

GM CAP Deliberative Research TAXI - Autumn 2019

Two further deliberative workshops carried out by Systra in October 2019 with hackney carriage and PHV drivers and operators.

GM CAP Survey and Interviews VAN - Autumn 2019

A quantitative survey of 800 small and micro businesses and sole traders who operated a van and a qualitative survey of 150 depth interviews with a subset of participants to the quantitative survey, carried out by AECOM in September/October 2019.

GM CAP Interviews HGV - Winter 2020

Twenty depth interviews with small and micro businesses and sole traders who operated HGVs, carried out by Systra in January/February 2020.


Other Technical Notes

These documents were produced in response to Government requirements and requests for information, to support the development of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan. As such, some of the documents no longer reflect the latest data and tools. Please ensure you read the descriptive notes carefully before citing any analysis presented in the Notes below. The latest modelling methodology and results are presented in the Air Quality Modelling Report setting out the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan following consultation available here.

GM CAP Data, Evidence and Modelling: post-OBC approach

Sets out the process being undertaken to deliver the Data, Evidence and Modelling requirements in support of the FBC. It also describes the evidence to be supplied to JAQU and how this responds to the feedback received from JAQU and the Technical and Delivery Independent Review Panels (the T-IRP and D-IRP).

Note 1 – Update to Appendices 2 and 3

Provides an updated response as at November 2019 to the feedback received from JAQU and the Technical and Delivery Independent Review Panels (the T-IRP and D-IRP).

GM CAP: Next steps for data collection and the development of analytical tools

Provides information about further data collection and the development of tools planned as next steps, namely behavioural research of van drivers and other groups; the development of further Operational Cost Models for other vehicle types; on-street specialised goods vehicle surveys; and the analysis of evidence emerging from the Conversation and other bodies.

GM CAP: Analysis of the freight market

Describes the number of HGVs operating in GM, the compliance status of those vehicles, and the business and usage patterns of those vehicles.

GM CAP: Analysis of the coach market

Commercially sensitive so not for publication. Describes the number of coaches operating in GM, the compliance status of those vehicles, and the business and usage patterns of those vehicles. This evidence, and that contained in Note 3, is being used to inform scheme design and to support the development of analytical tools and modelling assumptions.

GM CAP: ANPR Surveys: Summary of Initial Findings

Sets out the results of an ANPR survey conducted in January 2019 at 42 sites across GM. The survey was designed to provide a representative profile of the vehicle fleet operating in GM in terms of vehicle type (including fuel used) and age profile, in order to update the previous data used in the OBC with a more comprehensive and robust dataset. The results show that there are not major differences between observed levels of compliance in the overall GM fleet between the 2016 and 2019 surveys. This data set is now being used widely as part of the ongoing work to refine the proposals as part of the FBC development for the CAP.

GM CAP: Behavioural response assumptions and available data sources

Sets out evidence gathered from a number of sources offering an insight into the vehicle markets in question and how they might respond to the range of measures proposed in the GM CAP. These include Stated Preference surveys that have been carried out by other CAP authorities (Sheffield and Bradford) and shared with GM. NOTE: This note contains early work on revised behavioural response estimates which is superseded by later work – see Note 37 and Report T4 for the latest assumptions.

GM CAP: LGV and HGV Operational Cost Models

'LGV and HGV Operational Cost Models’ describes a new analytical tool that has been developed in support of the GM CAP allowing the assessment of behavioural responses to a CAZ based on operational costs by vehicle type for HGVs and LGVs. It is proposed that this tool replaces the methodology for assessing behavioural responses as applied in the OBC.

GM CAP: HGV Behavioural Responses Note

Sets out what behavioural response assumptions were applied at OBC for HGVs, the revised behavioural assumptions proposed for future analysis based on the HGV Operational Cost Model, and proposed next steps for analysis. NOTE: This note contains early work on revised behavioural response estimates which is superseded by later work – see Note 37 and Report T4 for the latest assumptions.

GM CAP: LGV Behavioural Responses Note

'LGV Behavioural Responses’ sets out what behavioural response assumptions were applied at OBC for LGVs, the revised behavioural assumptions proposed for future analysis based on the LGV Operational Cost Model, and proposed next steps for analysis. NOTE: This note contains early work on revised behavioural response estimates which is superseded by later work – see Note 37 and Report T4 for the latest assumptions.

GM CAP: Taxi Behavioural Responses Note

Sets out what behavioural response assumptions were applied at OBC for Hackney Cabs and PHVs, and consider a possible approach to updating these assumptions based on evidence derived from stated preference surveys carried out in Sheffield. It sets out proposed next steps for analysis, including the development of an Operational Cost Model for Taxis (Hackney Cabs and PHVs). NOTE: This note contains early work on revised behavioural response estimates which is superseded by later work – see Note 37 and Report T4 for the latest assumptions.

GM CAP: Analysis of Bus Upgrade Options to Deliver Air Quality Compliance

Commercially sensitive so not for publication. 'Note 11: Analysis of Bus Upgrade Options to Deliver Air Quality Compliance’ was produced in response to a request from JAQU for analysis scaling the proportion of bus compliance required to deliver compliance. Practically, this approach is very difficult to test in a way that would represent a real-world operational scenario that could be delivered as part of the CAP. Note 11 therefore presents two approaches to understand the influence of buses on compliance with the Air Quality Directive: - how many of the GM bus service routes pass the predicted exceedance locations and the number of buses this represents compared with the GM bus operator vehicle fleet. - how many of the modelled exceedances would remain if the preferred option (Option 8) excluded bus improvements at all (i.e. a CAZ that did not include buses as a type of vehicle to be charged).

GM CAP: Evidence of the impact of 2021 implementation of a CAZ C (without exemptions)

Describes analysis carried out by GM to assess the risks of implementing a CAZ C in 2021 without also implementing a two-year sunset period as was proposed in the OBC. The Note sets out analysis of vulnerability by sector, based on the proportion of the fleet that would be non-compliant in 2021 compared to 2023; analysis exploring the risk of market distortion and the potential impact on small businesses; and analysis of the likely availability (or lack of availability) of second-hand compliant vehicles.

GM CAP: Study Traffic Impact on Neighbouring Authorities

Presents the results of highway modelling carried out to assess the likelihood and potential scale of traffic re-routeing to avoid a CAZ.

GM CAP: Local exceedances: Update

Sets out GM’s approach to identifying and assessing sites where further measures may be required in order to achieve compliance in the shortest possible time. The Note presents the results of analysis carried out to assess real-world traffic conditions and to compare these to model outputs, and analysis of NOx source apportionment and any local conditions affecting concentrations, such as canyons, including checking how accurate the representation of such conditions is in the model itself. It also sets out an update on work carried out to identify possible local solutions.

Technical Note 14a Appendix A

Appendix A to Note 14: GM CAP: Local exceedances: Update. Provides maps and data for each site considered in the local exceedances study.

GM CAP: Implications of the Emissions Factor Toolkit update for GM (EFT)

'Implications of the EFT update for GM’ considers the implications of Emission Factor Toolkit (EFT) version 9.1a, released by JAQU at the end of May 2019. GM’s methodology for calculating traffic emissions applies emissions factors has been derived from DEFRA’s Emission Factor Toolkit (EFT) version 8.0, which was originally released in November 2017. Version 9.1a of the EFT contains fleet figures which have resulted from a recent Department for Transport (DfT) project to develop new passenger car fleet projections in light of emerging evidence regarding changes in consumer purchasing behaviour which show a shift away from diesel cars and towards petrol cars, alongside a slowing in overall new car sales.

GM CAP: Sensitivity testing of a CAZ C in 2023 with revised behavioural response assumptions

Presents the results of a sensitivity test of the impacts of a CAZ C (without any supporting measures) in 2023, applying revised behavioural responses for HGV, LGV, PHV and Hackney Cab. The bus upgrade was assumed as 100% for the purposes of this test. This test was conducted at the request of JAQU. NOTE: Modelling contained in Note 16 was indicative modelling carried out at an early stage in the model development process and is superseded by the package modelling presented in Note 29, and Reports T4 and AQ3.

GM CAP: Evidence supporting the decision not to progress with a GM-wide CAZ D

Sets out the options appraisal process applied at OBC and presents further evidence explaining why it is not considered that a GM-wide CAZ D cannot bring forward compliance.

GM CAP: Minibus Vehicle Research

Describes the number of minibuses operating in GM, the compliance status of those vehicles, and the business and usage patterns of those vehicles.

GM CAP: Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Fleet Research

Describes the number of taxis and PHVs licensed and operating in GM and the compliance status of those vehicles. This evidence, and that contained in Note 18, is being used to inform scheme design and to support the development of analytical tools and modelling assumptions.

GM CAP: Greater Manchester Specialised Goods Surveys Results Summary

Sets out the results of on-street surveys carried out at three sites identified in the local exceedances study where freight was a significant contributor of emissions. The surveys provide estimates of vehicle volumes by size, compliance status and industry.

GM CAP: Sensitivity test: Full Electric Bus Fleet

Describes the results of a sensitivity test carried out to understand the impact on compliance of a fully electric bus network across GM. This was carried out as a theoretical test at the request of JAQU.

GM CAP: Addendum to Note 3: GM Comparative Statistics

Presents the results of analysis carried out at the request of JAQU to test the reasonableness of GM’s assumption that the region was typical of the UK in terms of economic and business activity. It acts as an Addendum to Note 3.

GM CAP: Summary update of ongoing work on local exceedances

Provides an updated position on the local exceedances project, acting as a follow-up paper to Note 14 which was supplied to JAQU in draft three weeks earlier.

GM CAP: Updates to the Modelling Tools post-OBC Submission for the Do Minimum scenario

Describes a series of improvements that have been made to the underlying assumptions in the Do Minimum modelling scenario, in particular reflecting the release of EFT v9.1a and newly available data on bus services and fleets.

GM CAP: Modelling the impacts of Sustainable Journeys Measures

Sets out the methodology that has been developed to test the impacts of a package of sustainable journeys interventions, and the results of those tests.

GM CAP: Analysis of Funds

Sets out how the available tools have been used to assess the impact of different funding offers in terms of likely uptake and impact on behavioural responses. This analysis has fed into the assessment of the funding offers, alongside other evidence.

GM CAP: Demand Sifting Tool Operating Manual

Describes the Demand Sifting Tool and acts as a manual for use, setting out the underlying assumptions and methodology within the Tool. This Note has been developed to meet the TIRP request for further detail on the operation of the Tools.

GM CAP: Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Operational Cost Model

Describes a new analytical tool that has been developed in support of the GM CAP allowing the assessment of behavioural responses to a CAZ based on operational costs by vehicle type for Hackney Cabs and PHVs. It is proposed that this tool replaces the methodology for assessing behavioural responses as applied in the OBC.

GM CAP: Option for Consultation Modelling Summary

Presents the results of a series of tests of the updated Do Minimum scenario and of the full package of measures proposed for consultation for the GM CAP. Tests have been carried out for 2021, 2023 and 2025 and analysis has been carried out to estimate the forecast year of compliance, shown to be 2024 with the proposed package as per the Ministerial Direction. As such, this Note supersedes Note 16, which acted as an early test of a simplified CAZ-only scenario using an interim version of the updated tools.

GM CAP: Alternative Sensitivity Test Modelling Summary Note

Sets out the results of a sensitivity test carried out to assess the possible impact of a CAZ D within the Inner Relief Road – in addition to the measures set out in Note 29 - on NO₂ concentrations and achieving compliance in the shortest possible time.

GM CAP: Charge Level Sensitivity Testing

Describes modelling that has been carried out to test the impact of different charge levels on behavioural responses (i.e.: whether drivers choose to upgrade or stay and pay) and NOx emissions.

GM CAP: Option for Consultation – Incremental Measures Modelling Note

Sets out the results of a series of tests carried out to test the impact of each proposed Implementation and CAF measure on NOx emissions and NO₂ concentrations.

GM CAP: Sensitivity testing of electric taxi upgrade responses

Describes the sensitivity tests that have been carried out to assess the impacts of changes to the electric taxi assumptions on expected emissions and compliance with Air Quality Standards for NO₂.

GM CAP: Vehicle finance subsidy

Sets out the development of the Vehicle Finance measure within the CAP, a Vehicle Finance Subsidy Model has been developed to calculate the level of subsidy required across vehicle types to offer the equivalent of an interest-free or subsidised vehicle finance offering to prospective and eligible applicants.

GM CAP: Forecasting the required number of rapid chargers for Hackney Cabs and PHVs

Quantifies the number of electric vehicle (EV) chargers that will be required for hackney carriages and PHVs (referred to collectively as taxis) across GM.

GM CAP: Representing the Funds in the Cost Models and Analytical Inputs for the Funds / Vehicle Finance models

Describes how the funds are applied within the vehicle cost models, in terms of the methodology and assumptions applied and the nature of the outputs. Describes the calculation of the funds requirements from the cost model outputs and analysis developed, including the following tools/analyses that have been developed.

GM CAP: Vehicle population estimates

Sets out the summary of the key vehicle volumetric information used in the project which is used to understand the behavioural responses for vehicle owners to the GM CAP.

GM CAP: CAZ discounts and exemptions

Sets out the proposed discounts and exemptions, why GM have proposed them and then outlines the impact on compliance.

Modelling Assumptions for the 'Option for Consultation'

Collates a summary of the package assumptions underpinning the modelling of the Option for Consultation as set out in other documents. For further detail, see the Data, Evidence and Modelling Consultation Summary Report; Technical Reports supporting the Option for Consultation; and Note 37.


Outline Business Case

These documents set out the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan as submitted to the Government in March 2019. Note that the proposals have been developed in more detail since OBC and the Technical Reports were superseded by the Technical Reports setting out the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan Option for Consultation. Information setting out and assessing the proposals following consultation is available in the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan Option following consultation section.

Executive Summary

An Executive Summary of the GM CAP Outline Business Case.

Strategic Case

Sets out the background to the proposals, the case for action and the process through which the preferred option has been selected.

Economic Case

Sets out the behavioural responses expected from the proposals, and appraisal of the costs and benefits of each option.

Financial Case

Sets out the initial indicative cost estimates and funding requirements to implement the GM CAP.

Commercial Case

Sets out the required procurement and commercial arrangements relating to the services and infrastructure to implement the GM CAP.

Management Case

Makes recommendations for the governance structure, management arrangements, arrangements for consultation and engagement and provides a project plan, risk management plan and monitoring & evaluation plan.


Outline Business Case - Appendices

Options Appraisal Report

Provides a summary of the optioneering process undertaken in the development of the GM CAP.

Air Quality Maps

Maps of NO₂ exceedances in the Do Minimum and Do Something scenarios. Please note this file is 162mb in size.

Economic Appraisal Methodology Report

Sets out the methodology for the economic appraisal supplied in the Economic Case.

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)

Provides an initial assessment of the impact of the GM CAP on equalities.

Economic Modelling Report

Sets out the results of the economic modelling carried out for each option.

Distributional Impacts Report

Provides contextual information about GM and a quantified assessment of the distributional impacts in terms of air quality and health, accessibility and affordability.

E3 App. A
Distributional Impacts Report Appendix A

Provides maps supporting the Distributional Impacts Report

E3 App. B
Distributional Impacts Report Appendix B

Provides recommendations for further work on distributional impacts.

Project and Work Package Summary Sheets

Provides a summary of each proposed measure, in terms of rationale, proposals, indicative cost and commercial/management route.

Programme Governance Model

Sets out the governance process for the GM CAP.

Programme Structure

Sets out the programme structure for the next stage of work.

Overview of Lifecycle Stages

Provides an overview of the project and programme lifecycle for the GM CAP.

Four Lines of Defence Model

Sets out TfGM’s four lines of defence model for assurance.

Plan on a Page

Sets out the timetable to implementation as at OBC.

Stakeholder Management Plan

Sets out the proposed approach to governance, communications and stakeholder engagement.

Risk Management Plan

Sets out the proposed process for assessing and managing risk.

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Provides an overview of the proposed approach to monitoring and evaluation.

Programme Risk Register

Details the programme-level risks that have been identified and assessed, with proposed mitigation.

Project Risk Register

Details the project-level risks that have been identified and assessed, with proposed mitigation.

Steering Group Terms of Reference

Provides the agreed Terms of Reference for the GM CAP Steering Group of Local Authorities.


A glossary of terms used in the GM CAP OBC.


Technical Appendices

Local Plan Transport Modelling Tracking Table (OBC)

Sets out feedback received prior to submission of the OBC from JAQU on the traffic and transport modelling process and supplies GM’s responses to that feedback at OBC.

Local Plan Transport Highway Model Validation Report (OBC)

Describes the development of the base year transport model for use in the GM CAP assessment. The report describes the main features of the transport model and presents details of the base year model validation, including comparisons of modelled and observed traffic flows and journey times in the study area.

Local Plan Transport Modelling Methodology Report (OBC)

Describes the approach taken to forecasting road traffic for the GM CAP at OBC. The report describes the development of the future year highway networks and trip matrices and sets out the assumptions on which the forecasts are made.

Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report (OBC)

Describes the transport modelling process for the GM CAP Project and presents baseline and scenario forecasts for the options considered at OBC, including the preferred option.

T4 App. A
Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report (OBC) - Appendix A

Appendix A to T4, presents Demand Sifting Tool methodology.

T4 App. B
Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report (OBC) - Appendix B

Appendix B to T4, provides a map showing boundaries used in the Options Appraisal modelling process for the GM CAP.

T4 App. C
Local Plan Transport Model Forecasting Report (OBC) - Appendix C

Appendix C to T4, presents sensitivity testing of the traffic and transport assumptions.

Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Tracker Table (OBC)

Sets out feedback received prior to submission of the OBC from JAQU on the air quality modelling process and supplies GM’s responses to that feedback at OBC.

Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Methodology Report (OBC)

Sets out the air quality modelling methodology that is and will be used to underpin any air quality modelling for the baseline (2016, 2021, 2023 & 2025) scenario and for scenario forecasts for the options considered at OBC, including the preferred option.

Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Report (OBC)

Provides the air quality results and discussion of the GM CAP options that have been assessed.

AQ3 App. B
Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Report (OBC) - Supporting Information

Provides the full air quality modelling results including maps (please note this file is 350mb in size).

Analytical Assurance Statement (OBC)

Considers the limitations, uncertainties and risks in the evidence base, and the implications of these for decision makers. In particular, it considers whether an appropriate procedure has been followed, in terms of the modelling process and the source data, and whether appropriate checks have been carried out. It considers whether appropriate expertise has been utilised, and whether sufficient time and resources have been allocated to the analysis.


Summer 2019 Conversation

These documents include the materials provided to the public for the Summer 2019 Conversation and a summary of responses received.

A summary of our proposals to improve air quality for Greater Manchester (PDF format)

Summary of proposals to improve air quality as provided for the Summer 2019 Conversation

A summary of our proposals to improve air quality for Greater Manchester (RTF format)

Summary of proposals to improve air quality as provided for the Summer 2019 Conversation.

Clean Air Conversation 2019 - Summary of responses received

Report summarising the responses to the Summer 2019 conversation.

Appendix A - Taxi and Private Hire Owner Operator Questionnaire

Questionnaire supplied to hackney carriage and PHV owners in the Summer 2019 Conversation.

Appendix A - Individuals Questionnaire

Questionnaire supplied to individuals (who were not representing a business or taxi owners) in the Summer 2019 Conversation.

Appendix A - Business Owner Questionnaire

Questionnaire supplied to business owners in the Summer 2019 Conversation.

Appendix B - Coded Data

Summary of coded results to open questions (ie: questions where you can write in your own response) in the Summer 2019 Conversation.

Appendix C - Data Tables

Summary of responses to closed questions (ie: questions where you select from a category) in the Summer 2019 Conversation.


Strategic Outline Case

These documents set out the Strategic Outline Case for the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan as submitted to the Government in March 2018.

Strategic Outline Case pages 1 to 18

Sets out an initial assessment of the objectives; case for change; strategic policy context; opportunities, risks, dependences and success; and introduces the economic case. Superseded by OBC.

Strategic Outline Case pages 19 to 38

Sets out the success factors; appraisal process; short-listed measures; financial; commercial; and management cases. Superseded by OBC.

Strategic Outline Case Appendices A to C

This document contains: Appendix A: Air Quality Summary Report, Appendix B: GM Strategic Policy Context, Appendix C: Risk Register

Strategic Outline Case Appendices D to M

This document contains: Appendix D: List of Interventions, Appendix E: Project & Programme Lifecycle Stages, Appendix F: Feasibility Study Organisational Structure and Governance, Appendix G: Activities, Workstreams & Teams, Appendix H: Funding Sources Options, Appendix I: High Level Process Flow, Appendix J: Four Lines of Defence Model, Appendix K: Project Plan, Appendix L: Stakeholder and Consultation Matrix, Appendix M: Workstream Scope


Greater Manchester Air Quality Action Plan and Low Emission Strategy

Greater Manchester Air Quality Action Plan 2016-2021
Greater Manchester Low Emission Strategy (December 2016)

Looking at ways to tackle road transport emissions and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
